Reap the Youthful Benefits of Neck Refinement
As the years advance, the neck often tells tales we’d rather keep secret, revealing signs of aging even when the face remains youthful. A Neck Lift isn’t merely a procedure; it’s a powerful ode to ageless elegance, reviving and rejuvenating one’s natural charisma.
Youthful Contours
Turn back time, showcasing a refined jawline and chin.
Elevated Confidence
Embrace every reflection with pride, feeling renewed.
Age Gracefully
Slow down the hands of time, ensuring lasting allure.
The neck is very susceptible to aging, but unfortunately, it does not usually receive the same care and attention as the facial skin. This lack of preventative attention can cause the skin on the neck and jawline to sag prematurely. While this condition is most common in men and women in their 40’s and 50’s, it can affect people at different ages, depending on their genes and lifestyle. If you suffer from sagging skin on your neck and chin or a drooping jawline and want to restore the youthful contours of your neck and jaw, you may want to consider a neck lift. Dr. Douglas S. Steinbrech, M.D., F.A.C.S., is an award-winning plastic and reconstructive surgeon based in New York City who offers his expertise in this area of facial rejuvenation. Dr. Steinbrech is among the top plastic surgeons in New York, and offers patients expert neck lift surgery and natural-looking results.
What Is a Neck Lift?
Loss of elasticity and collagen that occurs with age can cause excess skin to accumulate in the neck, jaw, and chin area. A neck lift is an effective surgical solution to sagging skin in these areas. Loose skin on the neck, excess fat under the chin, and jowl formation are all normal signs of aging, but these aesthetic issues can appear earlier in some people than others. The neck lift procedure corrects these symptoms and creates a tighter, more youthful look to the neck, jawline and chin. Not only will a neck lift rejuvenate and restore aging tissues, it can help to slow down the aging process as well.
Dr. Steinbrech is supported by a brilliant team of caring staff members. You can trust the entire staff to help make your visit as comfortable and safe as possible! Learn more about Dr. Steinbrech and our Staff.
What are the Neck Lift Candidacy Requirements?
Good candidates for neck lift surgery include men and women who are not ready for a full facelift, but wish to correct neck skin laxity or sagging skin in the neck and jaw areas so that it matches the youthfulness of their facial skin.
Neck lift is only performed on men and women who are healthy, do not smoke, and have realistic expectations for the outcome of the surgery. A neck lift is not an alternative to weight loss, but if you have lost weight recently and are within your ideal weight, a neck lift can be beneficial in re-contouring your neck and jawline, as weight loss sometimes causes sagging skin.
The Cost for Neck Lift
Dr. Steinbrech’s prices for neck lift surgery range from $14,000 to $18,000. The total cost is influenced by various factors, including the specific approach used, such as a traditional neck lift, mini neck lift, or neck liposuction. Additionally, fees for anesthesia and the surgical facility are part of the overall expense. Dr. Steinbrech provides a comprehensive consultation to ensure you are aware of all costs involved, helping you to plan and budget effectively.
The Neck Lift Consultation
Your consultation with Dr. Douglas Steinbrech includes a face-to-face meeting to discuss your surgical goals, any medical conditions, current medications, and any past surgeries. This discussion will include an evaluation of your general health and any risk factors.
Next, Dr. Steinbrech will examine and measure your face, take photographs, and discuss your options for neck rejuvenation. He will recommend the best course of action for treatment and discuss the surgical method and the type of anesthesia that will be used.
The Neck Lift Procedure
A neck lift is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. Depending on the patient, a traditional neck lift incision or limited incision is used.
The traditional neck lift incision starts at the hairline near the sideburn and goes down towards the ear. If needed, neck tissue is repositioned and fat in the jowls is redistributed. Any excess neck skin is trimmed away.
Another technique that may be used is neck liposuction. This method is typically used when the problem is a double chin, or excess fat in the jowls. An additional incision is often needed underneath the chin when Dr. Steinbrech uses this method.
A limited incision neck lift only requires a small incision around the ear. This procedure makes shorter incisions than with the traditional neck lift method, so results may not be as dramatic. Your surgeon will go over which technique will be used during your consultation.
What to Expect The Day of Neck Lift
Most neck lift surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis. Make sure you have planned in advance for a friend or family member to take you to and from your appointment on the day of surgery. Depending on the type of anesthesia used, you will be released approximately two hours after your surgery is completed.
When in the recovery room, it is normal to feel a tight soreness around your neck. Our nurses will be standing by to provide blankets if you are feeling cold and administer medication if needed to suppress any nausea.
Neck Lift: Aftercare & Recovery
Following surgery, swelling and bruising are common, but these symptoms should begin to subside within a few days. Your plastic surgeon will prescribe medications to reduce any discomfort and swelling.
It is generally recommended to keep the head and neck still after surgery. That means sleeping with the head elevated for at least one week. A foam wedge pillow is recommended and can be purchased online or from a surgical supply store.
Taking it easy is the key to recovery. Try not to do too much too soon. Avoid heavy lifting and bending over for at least two weeks after surgery. Walking around the house a few times a day will help boost circulation and prevent blood clots. It is important to follow all of Dr. Steinbrech’s post operative instructions carefully during recovery to promote optimal healing.
- Dr. Douglas Steinbrech has been ranked in the top 10 plastic surgeons in NYC.
- Dr. Douglas Steinbrech is a Plastic Surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons under the American Board of Medical Specialties.
- Dr. Steinbrech underwent eight years of surgical training at New York University in General Surgery and Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive surgery.
- He has been awarded grants from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation.
Frequently Asked Questions About Neck Lift
Dr. Douglas S. Steinbrech, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. A true industry leader, his work has been featured all over the media including Forbes, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, and many others. Dr. Steinbrech has written ten peer-reviewed publications and has co-authored forty others. He ranks among the top 10 plastic surgeons in New York City and was named one of America’s Top Plastic Surgeons by the Consumers’ Research Council of America. Call today at (646) 949-0580 to discuss your needs and schedule your neck lift consultation today.